Conan O’Brien has wrapped up his TBS show “Conan,” ending a nearly 11-year run. The late-night host, who is also ending his third late-night show over 28 years, host an hour-long “Conan” finale Thursday, which was largely a trip down memory lane, including clips of guests including Steve Martin, Tom Hanks and Sarah Silverman.
Speaking to viewers, O’Brien delivered a message similar to the one at the end of his short Tonight Show tenure, offering some advice.
“Try to do what you love with people you love, and if you can manage that, it’s the definition of heaven on Earth,” he said. It’s a tenure second only to Johnny Carson’s 30 years on “Tonight.”
O’Brien’s next venture is a weekly variety series for HBO Max, set to arrive in 2022 with an as-yet unannounced format.